The Untouchables movie plot
Constance 2022-04-21 09:01:17
A masterpiece that pays homage to the classics and has also been saluted by future generations. It can't reach five stars because it is too long-winded in some places. Of course, the capture of Alcapone was not so smooth. The length of 2 hours is really not enough, and TV dramas like Atlantic Empire will do it.
August 2022-03-23 09:01:16
Two wonderful shots of De Niro's speech murder and finally Costner's pursuit of the murderer. The stroller in the station slides down the stairs during the gunfight (imagine how Quentin would take it). Before the gunfight, the clock repeats from the perspective of the male protagonist. Repeated trips and repeats of passengers and their mothers pave the way for the unsatisfactory. The shootout (the use of slow motion) (using babies to create suspense), the shootout ends with a sharp shooter's death. In other words, it is not just this heavy climax scene, the whole development of the film is in a predictable state.
Ness: I have foresworn myself. I have broken every law I have sworn to uphold, I have become what I beheld and I am content that I have done right!
Malone: [holding him against the window of the cabin in Canada] You're gonna talk, pal. You're gonna beg to talk. Because somebody's going to talk!
[walks out of the shack, and holds the dead body of a gangster Ness shot]
Malone: Hey you, on your feet! We need you to translate this book! And I'm not going to ask you a second time! I'm gonna count to three.
[places gun in the gangster's mouth]
Malone: What's the matter? Can't you talk with a gun in your mouth? One... two... THREE!
[pulls the trigger, blowing the corpse's skull cap off]
George: [screams] Don't! Okay! I'm going to talk! I'll tell you whatever you want! What do you want to know?