The Simpsons Movie movie plot
[Homer is whipping the dogs pulling his sled]
Homer Simpson: Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!
Homer Simpson: [the dogs jump over a cliff] Jump! Jump!
Homer Simpson: [the dogs land on the other side] Land! Land!
Homer Simpson: [still whipping the dogs as they take a breather] Rest! Rest!
Homer Simpson: [the dogs pull the sled again] Run! Run!
Homer Simpson: [Homer sets up camp and begins removing the dog muzzles] Okay, I know we've had a rough day, but I'm sure we can put that all behind us and...
Homer Simpson: [the dogs start attacking Homer, causing him to scream in pain] AGH! Not my whipping arm!
Homer Simpson: [the dogs leave Homer stranded] Why does everything I whip leave me?
Bart Simpson: I want a father who's the same in the morning as he is at night. Oh... what's that word...
Todd Flanders, Rod Flanders: Consistency?
Bart Simpson: Thanks losers.