Change, most likely to bring incredible experiences and encounters. The Stantons leave their familiar and comfortable American city to live in a small town full of surprises in England. The Stanton family believed that such a migration represented their long-cherished wish to change their living environment, but what they could not imagine was that it was the compass of fate that finally brought them back to this place of origin.
The Stanton family has a very deep connection to this town, going back centuries. Will is the youngest son of the Stanton family, a young man who is uncomfortable with his new surroundings and is trying to integrate into life at his new school. In addition, Will, who was in love at the beginning of his relationship, also found the girl he liked at school, but his too shy and introverted personality made him dare not talk to the lover of his dreams, which made him feel extremely distressed. It is such an ordinary 14-year-old boy who finds himself involved in the battle of the century between the "Chasers of Light" and the evil "Knights" from the dark.
Will never knew what kind of person would call himself the "Old One" until Maliman and Miss Greythorn actually stood in front of him. They all want to keep Will under their wing and guide him on his future path. From Miss Greythorne's mouth, Will was shocked to learn that he was the last bloodline of the "Chasers of Light", a group of warriors who swore to dedicate their lives to the struggle against the forces of darkness, but these brave People are buried by the torrent of time, and Will has become the only hope.
Under the guidance of Maliman and Miss Greythorne, Will knew that his task was to find the six signs that were hidden by time and space and sealed the forces of light. Continuing to travel through time and space with incredible power, Will discovers clues that he doesn't know will eventually lead him to a vicious battle against the dark forces. As Miss Greythorne said, Will was the one they had hoped for all their lives, he served the light, and the "Knights" were the lackeys of the darkness. Once the light was born, the darkness would be destroyed. Will felt incredibly alienated and unfamiliar with everything Miss Greythorn said mixed with déjà vu, but his time was really running out because when The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising, the whole world The future is in Will's hands