The Hateful Eight movie plot
Sheriff Chris Mannix: [as Warren approaches General Smithers] Warren, goddamn it, you leave that old man alone.
Major Marquis Warren: Stand down, you son of a bitch. I shared a battlefield with this man.
Major Marquis Warren: [to Smithers] Or would you deny me that too?
General Sandy Smithers: I suppose you were there.
Major Marquis Warren: May I join you?
General Sandy Smithers: Yes, you may.
Jody: Now do you have any reason why you would want to interfere with me saving my sister from a hangman's rope?
General Sandy Smithers: No.
Jody: You don't?
General Sandy Smithers: No I don't.
Jody: You sure you don't? I mean we did just kill Minnie and Sweet Dave. And you and Sweet Dave looked mighty chummy over there.
General Sandy Smithers: I just met these people, I don't give a damn about them! Or you, or your sister. Or any other son of a bitch in Wyoming for that matter.
Jody: [menacingly] That is a GOOD answer, old man.