The Girlfriend Experience Adult stars and movie actors
The Girlfriend Experience quotes
Chelsea: [voice-over] On October 18th, I met with Dan. I wore a vintage black cashmere sweater, earnest sewn jeans, and Pour la Victoire boots. Dan talked the entire time. We didn't have sex. He was very upset about a contract his firm lost to I.M. PEI. He set another date for Tuesday, October 21st.
Chelsea: [voice-over] On October 25th, I met with Dennis. We had lunch at Nobu and then went to a hotel room. During lunch, he talked about the financial crisis. When we got back to the hotel room, he immediately got on the phone and ordered some Macallan 25. I put on a Kiki de Montparnasse corset, panties and gloves. The shoes were basic Zara. After he got off the phone, we made out for a while and then he asked me to masturbate, which I did. Then he masturbated while watching me. He made another appointment for November 3rd.