The deer hunting scene in the film should take place in the Appalachian Mountains, the Appalachian mountains are gentle, but the scene is all snow-capped mountains, towering and steep peaks. These shots were taken in the Cascade Mountains. The deer hunted in Pennsylvania should be a white-tailed deer, but the deer in the film is an elk.
In the last deer hunting scene in the film, when Michael was tracking the deer, his habitual left hand changed to right hand, and then his left hand.
When Angela looked at the wedding dress in the mirror, the audience could see a microphone on her head in the mirror.
After betting on "Russian Roulette" and escaping from the Vietnamese camp, Michael started holding a rifle in his right hand and the injured Nick in his left hand. But in the next shot, the rifle is gone, and the rifle is no longer visible in other escape shots.
The film is set in 1968. In a bar scene, the performance of "The Kind Woman" by Veyron Jennings and Willie Nelson was recorded in 1974.
Meryl Streep’s fiancé John Kaiser appeared in the film as a friend of Robert De Niro, but he died of bone cancer before the filming was finished.
The Deer Hunter behind the scenes gags
2021-10-20 17:21
Extended Reading
Axel: You're so full of shit, you're gonna float away.
Michael: Stanley, see this? This is this. This ain't something else. This is this. From now on, you're on your own.