- In the film, Sacha Noam Baron Cohen's hairstyle spoofed Liam Gallagher, the lead singer of British rock band Oasis.
- In the film, Sacha Noam Baron Cohen's accent after becoming an agent spoofs the classic version of 007 played by Sean Connelly.
- In the film, Sacha Noam Baron Cohen plays Mark Strong's brother, but he is actually 8 years younger than him.
- The football referee in the film is a real football referee named Jabulani Mahono, who used to enforce the South African Super League.
- The use of video footage about the US presidential candidate Trump in the film did not get the permission of Trump himself.
- Isla Fischer, who plays Mark Strong's girlfriend, is actually the real wife of Sacha Noam Baron Cohen.
- Daniel Radcliffe in the film is disguised by an actor.
- A local official in Greensby cursed Cohen to "return to Kazakhstan and die" after watching the film. Cohen's character "Porat" is set to come from Kazakhstan.
The Brothers Grimsby behind the scenes gags
Dustin 2022-04-21 09:02:25
I really feel that some episodes, such as elephants, are so disgusting, it makes me feel embarrassed. But there are a lot of interesting plots from other movies. The secret agent movie stalks Harry Potter stalks Trump stalks and so on. I can barely give three and a half stars, but I really think the use of shit and pee stalks is too low-level, and it's really funny. disgusting is also disgusting
Darron 2022-03-21 09:02:07
Elephant group sex on the prairie, bursting with laughter... This is the sincerity of shit! I feel it, and I really want to give this shit to every same-sex friend.
Sebastian Graves: Trust you? Trust you? Because of you, the head of the World Health Organisation is dead and Harry Potter has AIDS. You managed to do in three seconds what Voldemort failed to do in eight movies!
Nobby: Ooh, I'm getting stiffer than a pedophile at Legoland.
So dirty to the eyes, it's terrible for the British to go crazy
This movie is so dirty that you need to wash your eyes after watching it
How to make a comedy movie-to be open, to be open, shameless, to have ideas
Life is a pool of sewage, families are a haven for shelter
Forgive me for not being able to get the joke. . .