Superman Returns movie plot
Jimmy Olsen: [leans over an unsuspecting Clark who is holding a family photo of Lois, Jason, and Richard] Ha, yea! He looks just like his mom. Already takes after her too, especially when it comes to getting into trouble.
Clark Kent: [obviously confused] Mother?
Jimmy Olsen: Oh yea, well I guess you've been gone. Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy.
Clark Kent: [cracks the glass and winces] I'm sorry.
Jimmy Olsen: [takes the picture from Clark] It's okay. She's got plenty of them.
Clark Kent: She's married?
Jimmy Olsen: Yeah, well no, its more of a prolonged engagement, but don't ask Miss Lane when they're tying the knot because she hates that question
Perry White: [Explaining to Lois Lane why she must write an article on the return of Superman, rather than a massive power outage] Three things sell this newspaper: Tragedy, sex, and Superman. These people have had enough tragedy, and we all know you can't write worth a damn about sex.