Superhero Movie [About Sara Paxton]
Carter 2022-04-20 09:01:57
Main character: Spiderman, main character's life experience: Batman, school visit: X-Men, newspaper interview: Superman, people I met overlooking the city: Human Torch, mysterious person I met online: Nick Fury, villain main line: Green Goblin, villain Abilities: Morgaine le Fey, plus Frodo Baggins, Tom Cruise, Hawking... oh speaking of Hawking, shit!shit!shit!shit!shit!shit!
Elsa 2022-03-26 09:01:08
The two women were spoofed for a cup, so happy.
Lou Landers: [Lou Landers plots to steal cerillium from Hawkings' lab] I could just walk right in.
Dr. Strom: You're going to steal cerillium?
Lou Landers: No, not me. But perhaps there's someone inside me. Someone who will at any cost... survive!
[evil laugh, Lou picks up an hourglass and breaks it]
Lou Landers: Ow, ow! Glass in my eye! Glass in my eye!
Tom Cruise: [extended, deleted Tom Cruise scene] Y'know, uh, this "hero", this, uh, this "Dragonfly"... he's not the answer, okay? I'm the answer. I got, uh, I'm just... whew. Y'know, and, uh... heh. I'm... I'm the way to, to happiness. Okay? I'm the way to, I'm the way to peace. I can, I can, uh, I can unite cultures. I can eat... planets. I mean, I can just, um,
[snaps fingers; laughs]
Tom Cruise: Dragonfly's not a superhero, okay?
Tom Cruise: I am.
[laughs; claps]
Tom Cruise: Guy can't even fly, you kiddin'?
[laughs; abruptly stops]
Tom Cruise: I can fly, okay? I can fly. He sees an accident, he's just gonna run by. I'm gonna STOP, 'cause I'm a hero. Now today, there aren't a lot of accidents, so you gotta make accidents. I like to throw... little nails in the street, and an accident happens. And I'm the ONLY one who can run up there and stop it. Ooh! BAM!
[laughs; claps]
Tom Cruise: [off-screen interviewer: "I just wanted to ask you-"] Stop. Just shut up. Shut up. Hey!
["There's a rumor about-"]
Tom Cruise: Hey-
["That you wanted to-"]
Tom Cruise: Stop.
["You did claim, however-"]
Tom Cruise: Stop.
["Okay, but you did say, you agreed to be here, and you said that you would talk about this-"]
Tom Cruise: Shut. Up.
[facing backwards]
Tom Cruise: What is this place? Seriously... why are there no clocks in here?
[suddenly asleep]
Tom Cruise: [off-screen interviewer asks, "Tom? Tom?"]
[suddenly awake]
Tom Cruise: There was a farm who had a dog, and Bingo was his name-O! YEAH!
Tom Cruise: I'm, uh, I'm okay.