Starship Troopers movie plot
Jamil 2021-10-20 19:02:52
Very fascist sentiment, victory of militarism?
Mariane 2022-04-20 09:01:12
The director really took great pains to make such an "unfounded" story huge. Earthlings, as invaders, also played righteous words and confounded the public. If you have the means to fly faster than the speed of light, do you have to use mechanical weapons to fight? This is the most "cannon fodder" war movie I've ever seen!
Net Correspondent: We've just landed here on what cap troopers are calling "Big K" with the 6th Mobile Infantry division. It's an ugly planet, a bug planet! A planet hostile to life as we know it!
Mr. Rico: [hands Johnny a enlistment book] This came for you today. I presume at your request?
Johnny Rico: A lot of my friends are doing Federal Service.
Mrs. Rico: Well you're not thinking of applying.
Mr. Rico: Have you lost your mind I rather take and lashes in public square than to see you ruin your life.
Johnny Rico: It's a term of service, it's not a career. I just want to get out on my own, see the galaxy for a couple years.
Mrs. Rico: Johnny, people get killed in the Federal Service
Mr. Rico: Who gave you this idea? Its that teacher isn't it you know the one I'm talking about what's his name?
Johnny Rico: Mr. Rasczak.
Mr. Rico: Rasczak? Silly name. There should be a law against using a school as a recruiting station
Johnny Rico: No Rasczak doesn't do that at all. He sort of discourages you
Mr. Rico: Well that's good. Because you're going to Harvard and that's the end of it.
Johnny Rico: It's my decision, not yours.
Mr. Rico: Oh, is that how it is.
Mrs. Rico: Wait a minute you too Dad and I have a surprise for you that I think should settle this, can you guess what it is?
Johnny Rico: No.
Mr. Rico: You said you wanted to see the Galaxy, how about a trip to the outer rings Zegema Beach, huh?
Johnny Rico: I've... always wanted to go there.
Mrs. Rico: Well good then it's all settled.