Star Trek: The Next Generation behind the scenes gags
Star Trek: The Next Generation quotes
Guinan: [Guinan is looking at an incarcerated Borg drone in the Enterprise brig] You don't look so tough.
Hugh: [the Borg, named Hugh by LaForge approaches Guinan from his side of the forcefield] We are Borg.
Guinan: Aren't you gonna tell me you have to assimilate me?
Hugh: You wish to be assimilated?
Guinan: No, but that's what you... things do, isn't it?
[Hugh nods]
Guinan: Resistance is futile?
Hugh: [agreeing] Resistance is futile.
Guinan: [she shakes her head] It isn't. My people resisted when the Borg came... to assimilate us. Some of us survived.
Hugh: [a new concept to Hugh] Resistance... is not... futile?
Guinan: No, but thanks to you, there are very few of us left. We were scattered throughout the galaxy. We don't even have a home anymore.
Hugh: What you are saying... is that you are lonely?
Guinan: [surprised] What?
Hugh: You have no others. You have no home. We... are also lonely.
[Guinan hasn't changed her opinion of the Borg, but she has changed her opinion of Hugh, and he's given her a lot to think about]
Capt. Picard: [Data has created an android offspring] What you have done will have serious ramifications. I am truly dismayed that you told no-one of what you were doing.
Data: I am sorry, Captain. I did not anticipate your objections. Do you wish me to deactivate Lal?
Capt. Picard: [flabbergasted] It's a life, Data! It can't be activated and deactivated simply!
Star Trek: Next Generation Diversity Review (19-25 episodes)
Star Trek: Next Generation Diversity Review (10-18 episodes)
Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation
History has proven time and time again that the interference of others can hinder the progress of civilization.
Star Trek: Next Generation Diversity Review (1-9 episodes)