Star Trek Beyond movie plot
2022-01-27 08:04
Captain Corkleads the Enterprise on the journey of space exploration. He tells Old Boneshis worries about the identity of the captain, and he and his best friend Before Spockcomplained to each other, they received another emergency rescue mission. The mysterious enemy Klaubegan to attack the Enterprise, and the surviving members of the Enterprise were scattered on a planet to survive.
Bones, Spock, Kirk, Chekov, Ukraine Hula, Suluand other crew together again, Fight for survival. But after Scottmet Zyra, they found a way to recruit all the crew and escape the planet. You need to successfully stop Karl before he can destroy the Starfleet.
Extended Reading
Krall: Lieutenant, unity is not your strength. It is your weakness.
Krall: Your captain... why did you sacrifice yourself for him?
Lieutenant Uhura: He would have done the same. And if he made it off that ship, he will come for us.
Krall: I am counting on it, Lieutenant Uhura.