Shattered Glass movie plot
Alexandrine 2022-01-07 15:54:50
Don’t hold on if you think you’ve seen it through
Cortez 2022-04-21 09:02:57
Vanity vs Ethics Always remember why you chose this career. Not to please others, but to tell the truth.
Chuck Lane: [in Stephen's office after business hours] You had your brother pose as George Sims.
Stephen Glass: What?
Chuck Lane: The phony recording from Jukt Micronics? It's a Palo Alto number. And your brother is a student at Stanford. You had him pose as Sims.
Stephen Glass: No, Sims is a real guy...
Chuck Lane: Steve, Steve...
Stephen Glass: I've talked to him a million times, Chuck. My brother and I aren't even speaking right now.
Chuck Lane: Stop it. You faked Sims, you faked a website, you faked all those voicemails...
Stephen Glass: [speaking at the same time] You don't know. You don't know, Chuck.
Chuck Lane: Restil, Hiert, Ghort...
Stephen Glass: [speaking at the same time] You got this totally backward.
Chuck Lane: It's all crap. I can trace it if you make me. I'll find it all billed to you.
Gloria: [referring to the discovery that Stephen fabricated his stories] You know what could've prevented all this, don't you?
Chuck Lane: No, what?
Gloria: Pictures. How could you make up characters if everyone you wrote about had to be photographed?