Rome movie plot
Mark Antony: I really think you should reconsider.
Gaius Julius Caesar: Anyone else, certainly. But those 2 - they found my golden standard and survived a storm that killed an army. Now they come face to face with Pompay Magnus. They have powerful Gods on their side. And I will never kill a man with such powerful friends.
Gaius Octavian Caesar: You shall leave this city. You shall go to your Eastern provinces, and you shall not come back.
Mark Antony: Or else what, boy?
Gaius Octavian Caesar: You shall leave this city or I will declare our alliance broken. I will have this sad story read in the forum, I will have it posted in every city in Italy, and you know the people are not so liberal with their wives as you. They shall say you wear cuckolds horns; they shall say your wife betrayed you with a low-born plebe on my staff. You will be a figure of fun. The proles will laugh at you in the street. Your soldiers will mock you behind your back.
[Antony puts his hands around Octavians neck as if to strangle him]
Gaius Octavian Caesar: Go on, strike me. See what will happen.
[Antony lets go and starts to leave]
Gaius Octavian Caesar: Oh, and Antony, if you find that gold, you'll be sure to tell me, won't you?