Project X evaluation action
Kayleigh 2022-03-22 09:01:31
If you can't understand it, you won't be graded. It's better not to go too far.
Anderson 2022-03-21 09:01:36
Those who gave two stars are enough to pretend, it's so beautiful, what happened to Akira, what happened to the hangover, as long as the technology and story are used well, it's not out of date if you use it a hundred times. PS: Middle finger again to those one-star two-star denominations, thank you!
Tyler: Can I help you, sir?
Rob: I'm here to see Thomas.
Tyler: First and last name, please.
Rob: I'm Rob, the neighbor. Who the fuck are you?
Tyler: I'll ask the questions, sir.
Rob: Exactly. Get the hell out of my way.
Rob: Hey, Thomas. Look man I don't want to be a dick here or anything, but your friend Oliver came by earlier and told me you guys were having a little party but this is too much.
Thomas: Yeah. We actually should be winding down like midnight, maybe 1. Is that okay?
Rob: No, it's not. I'm sorry. The baby can't sleep and Melinda's gotta be up early for work.
Costa: Fuck yeah! My boy Rob is here to rage! Good to see you, brother.
Rob: Whoa, yeah. Actually I'm not raging, but I'm just telling Thomas it's time to shut it down.
Costa: You can't be serious. This is a great party. What the fuck?
Rob: I am serious because it's 11:30 at night and it's time to wrap it up.
JB: Hey, hey, hey. Why don't we just bring everyone to the back and lower the volume a bit.
Rob: Guys, this isn't a request! The party's over.
Costa: I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree then, aren't we?
Rob: Listen to me. Thomas, either shut it down or I'm calling the cops. Fine, fuck it! I'm calling the fucking cops.
[gets a taser shot by Everett]
Costa: Fuck! Oh shit!
JB: Jesus fucking Christ! What did you do that for?
Costa: [Rob punches Everett in the face] Are you fucking kidding me? I will fucking kill you!
Rob: The little fuck tazed me! I'm definitely calling the cops now!
Costa: You punched a kid in the face! I'm calling the cops on your ass now!
Rob: Do it, genius! It's all on tape. I just saw this mother fucker record it right here.
Dax: No, all I got was you punching that little child's face.
Rob: Fuck you!
Costa: Go home, Robert!