Oldboy movie plot
Natalia 2022-04-20 09:02:00
After watching the perfect version, I wanted to swipe the Korean version right away. This remake by Spike Lee is ineffective. Although the storyline is similar, the blandness of the narrative weakens the suspense of the film, so that the final mystery is not revealed at all. climax. The violent aesthetics of the original work have become a painless fight in this film, and the battle in the corridor is also a taste of American commercial films.
Friedrich 2022-04-21 09:02:49
The US version is simpler and more direct, and the story is not needed. Everything is concise and clear for you to see, which is originally a theory of incest weakening. The witch's figure is worth three stars! ! !
Chaney: [as Joe straps him down and interrogates him with a knife blade] Wait. What?
Joe Doucett: Hold still...
Chaney: Cocksucker!
[Joe continues to cut his neck]
Chaney: Ow! Ow! Motherfucker. OW! SHIT!
Joe Doucett: [smirks] Heh, heh.
Joe Doucett: No, fuck you!
[Joe cuts him more]
Chaney: OH! YOU BOOGER-EATING, PISS-DRINKING MOTHERFUCKER! If you stop now you may get out of here alive!
Joe Doucett: I'm gonna keep going till I can pull your head off with my bare hands! Okay?
Chaney: [frantic] Listen to me. LISTEN TO ME! I only run this place, all right? I was hired to keep you here!
Joe Doucett: Who hired you?
Chaney: I can't tell you that!
Joe Doucett: Then do me a favor and shut the fuck up! Who hired you?
Chaney: I don't know his fuckin' name!
Burly Man: [playing crossword puzzle] 39 across, alter ego to Edmund Dantes.
Joe Doucett: Count of Monte Cristo
[Joe smashes his hammer in Marco's skull and screams]