Oblivion negative comments
Erika 2022-04-24 07:01:02
In fact, I quite like Kojinski. He is better than many veterans in terms of scene and music scheduling. He also has a serious attitude. It is correct to be angry with Disney for the purpose of rating. As the moon version of Tron Wars, the story has a lot to do. Progress, although there is a strange rhythm before and after the disconnect and the heroine and other flaws, as a retro sci-fi, there are still many surprises, the legendary m83 original sound of ps is awesome, and the photography and light control will give full marks to the scene. . four star
Alexa 2022-04-24 07:01:02
The moment I saw Morgan Freeman light up, I felt like I was finally starting to get on the right track. . .
Jack Harper: Dream of us.
Jack Harper: I wonder, if I come to you, at night - in dreams, in the day - as memories. Do I haunt your hours the way you haunted mine? And I wonder if you see me, when you look at her.