Nobody Knows movie plot
Florida 2022-03-19 09:01:07
What a lovely child. After "Distance", Yuka Kee's movies have become more and more life-like. There are some documentary styles and trivial details of life. The two children are not even a performance. The improvisational performances also make this movie full of life. What’s more rare is that in the face of this kind of dog-blood themes, it was Hirokazu Kee who did not sensationalize and yelled, but just let all the characters endure and bear it together, together with the audience.
Antonio 2022-03-19 09:01:07
Distrust of the adult world is almost everywhere in the movie-moms, dads, landlords and landlord’s wives, the manager of a convenience store, the man who assists in the transaction...
Kyoko: Guess Yuki grew.
Keiko, the mother: Now that we've moved into a new home, I'm gonna explain the rules to you, one more time. Let's promise to keep 'em, okay?
Yuki: Okay. How many are there?
Keiko, the mother: Okay, first of all: No loud voices or screaming. Can you do that?
Yuki: I can.
Keiko, the mother: Okay, next: No going outside.
Yuki: Okay.
Keiko, the mother: Can you do that? No even out on the veranda.
Yuki: Okay, Mommy.
Keiko, the mother: "Okay, Mommy." Can you keep that promise?
Yuki: Sure!
Keiko, the mother: Can you do it, little Shige-runt?
Shigeru: MEEEEEW!
Keiko, the mother: You gotta promise hardest, huh? Right? Absolutely no going outside. Can you do that? Bet you can-can.