Murder on the Orient Express movie plot
Murder on the Orient Express quotes
Greta Ohlsson: There is a higher justice than the rule of law, monsieur!
Hercule Poirot: Then you let *God* administer it... not *you*!
Greta Ohlsson: And when he doesn't? When he creates a Hell on Earth for those wronged? When priests who are supposed to act in his name forgive what must never be forgiven? Jesus said, "Let those without sin throw the first stone."
Hercule Poirot: Oui!
Greta Ohlsson: Well, we were without sin, monsieur! *I* was without sin!
Mary Debenham: You said of the woman in Istanbul that she knew the rules of her culture and knew what breaking them would mean. So did Cassetti.
Hercule Poirot: [harshly] And so do you!
Mary Debenham: When you've been denied justice... you are incomplete. It feels that God has abandoned you in a stark place. I asked God... I think we all did... what we should do, and he said do what is right. And I thought if I did, it would make me complete again.
Hercule Poirot: [coldly] And are you?
Mary Debenham: [long pause, then] But I did what was right.