Moana evaluation action
Jude 2022-04-24 07:01:03
As a Disney cartoon, it made me sleepy by surprise. I still have two brushes. With persistent efforts, there is still room for improvement.
Carrie 2022-03-22 09:01:20
The male protagonist’s sex symbol turned out to be a hook... As a feminist base camp, I feel that Disney’s next plan is likely to ask Marvel to transform Iron Man. Think about "Star Wars."
Moana: [Tamatoa is about to eat Maui] Hey!
Tamatoa: Huh?
Moana: [holding up what appears to be the Heart of Te Fiti] I've got something shiny for ya!
Tamatoa: [Tamatoa spits Maui out; awestrucked] The Heart of Te Fiti!
Tamatoa: You cannot run from me!
[Moana takes off running]
Tamatoa: [Following after her; mock surprise] Oh, you *can* run from me! You keep surprising me!
Maui: [talking about his past] I wasn't born a demi-god. I had human parents. They took one look and they decided... that they did not want me. So, they threw me into the ocean like I was nothing. Somehow, I was rescued by the Gods. They gave me the fish hook. They made me...
Maui: ..."Maui".
[talking normally]
Maui: So... Back to the humans I went. I gave them everything. Islands, fire and coconuts. Heh, everything they can never get enough of.
Moana: You stole the heart... for them. Because you wanted to be loved...
Maui: [solemnly] It was *never* enough.