Men, Women & Children movie plot
Chris Truby: I've got, like, a pretty hard test tomorrow. So, I'm gonna go study.
[goes upstairs]
Don Truby: Yeah... studying.
Helen Truby: What are you talking about?
[Don gestures]
Helen Truby: You know, you're gross. He's 15.
Don Truby: That's all I did when I was 15.
Helen Truby: Yeah, that I believe.
Don Truby: I just wanna know... what you'd like in your eggs.
Helen Truby: Don, we need to talk about this. I've made mistakes.
Don Truby: So have I. Oh yeah, so have I. Probably worse than you. I don't know, Helen. That's just it.
Helen Truby: That's just... what's just it?
Don Truby: Well, we could sit here and tell each other everything we've ever done. Shit, everything we've ever thought. It might take a while. But yeah, we could clear everything up and go to sleep tonight with some pretty vivid pictures in our heads. Or you could just tell me what you want for breakfast.