May movie plot
[May walks into the daycare center to work with the blind children]
Buckle: Can you help us with something?
May: I... um... saw some kids playing in the park. And I wondered if I could volunteer to help watch them.
Buckle: Well what kind of kids were they? Retarded? Deaf? Crippled? Dumb?
May: They were blind.
Buckle: So you want to work at the daycare center?
May: Would it be the same kids?
Buckle: Well what's the difference, do you only like a certain type of blind kids?
[May meets the boss at the daycare center and her first blind child]
Lucille: May Canady? Lucille! Let's introduce you to the kids.
May: Do you think I could meet her first?
Lucille: Who Petey? You could try, she usually likes to be left alone.
May: Nobody likes to be alone.
Lucille: Hey Petey, I've got someone here who wants to meet you!
Petey: Go away sniggle head.
Lucille: You are so mean to me Petey.
[Lucille curls her long finger nails towards Petey]
Lucille: Good luck!