Max evaluation action
Adolf Hitler: Listen Rothman, I've lost FOUR YEARS!
Max Rothman: Yes, we've *all* lost four years. Some of us a little more. Do you want a show?
Adolf Hitler: I'd kill for you if you gave me a show!
Max Rothman: Don't kill for me, please. Just do what you do. Be anxious, be nervous, *tell* me you're the unknown soldier come back to haunt us - with your brush, Hitler! With your brush - can you do that? 'Cause that's what you've got to do. You've got to take all this pent-up stuff you're quivering with, and you've got to hurl it onto the canvas. It doesn't have to be good and it doesn't have to be beautiful, it just has to be true.
Max Rothman: And even if it's a lie, make it an interesting lie, and I'll put it up. I swear.
Adolf Hitler: You do think I'm talented, don't you?
Max Rothman: I think there's definitely *something* rustling behind your curtain, yes.
Max Rothman: [re patriotic propaganda] I used to think we rode into the war on horseback. But now I realize that in fact, we rode into the war on words. Yes, my friend, words. If the high command had used nails to hammer our feet to the mud, I think we would have found a pair of pliers, passed them down the line, and made a break for it. But the words... the words kept us rooted to the ground.