The blonde beautyリーシャ・バレンタイン is back! After graduating from Harvard Law School , リーシャ·バレンタイン worked in a law firm and began to prepare for his grand wedding. Of course, he met Emmert who accidentally met at Harvard university . But on such a festive day, there is a lack of a pair of important guests-the parents of リーシャ・バレンタイン's puppy! The puppy Bruiser is リーシャ・バレンタイン's beloved pet, and its parents are the guests who should be attending as a matter of course. But at the moment these poor guys are being locked up in a laboratory with a bleak future. The laboratory got the two dogs to test samples for a cosmetics company. This incident irritated リーシャ・バレンタイン, she Determined to stand up for the puppies to fight for the rights they deserve.
In his own office, Rishid Bamtain’s efforts were frustrated, and he was about to be appointed as a partner of the firm, but was expelled. She came to Congress and became an assistant to Deok Roh (Sally Field). She hopes that Congress will pass a law prohibiting testing on animals. But Washington is different from Harvard university. It likes pink and knows the fashion well . It is not easy to get his way through the dark gray of Capitol Hill . But リーシャ·バレンタイン was lucky to get acquainted with Sidney , the gatekeeper of the hotel where he was staying . Sidney has been in the hotel for many years, watching the politicians come and going every day, watching with cold eyes, and has long understood the various tricks of Washington politics.
リーシャ・バレンタイン is also unambiguous, with shiny blonde hair, steadily walking on high heels, wearing the most eye-catching dress, carrying the most fashionable backpack, plus the puppies who are also dressed up next to him, such as the red rose among the thorns. , Her Beverly Hills style began to play in Washington, swept the serious people in Capitol Hill, making them a little dizzy.