Jane Eyre evaluation action
Mrs. Fairfax: No one knows how it started. I expect that Mrs. Poole took too much of the Gin and water as she slept the lady, Mrs. Rochester, unlocked the keys. She did what she failed to do a year ago, set the whole place to fire. We would have all perished in the smoke but Mister Rochester would not rest until we were all safe. Then he went in for her. The flames were tearing up so high it brought men running from the village. I saw her standing on the roof, the very edge. I heard Mister Rochester beg her to come down but she jumped. Mister Rochester remained as if he would not move until the fire consumed him.
[last lines]
Rochester: [sightless] Who's there?
Jane Eyre: [takes his hand]
Rochester: This hand.
[touching her face]
Rochester: Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre.
Jane Eyre: Edward, I am come back to you... Fairfax Rochester with nothing to say?
Rochester: You're altogether a human being Jane.
Jane Eyre: I conscientiously believe so.
Rochester: [passionate kiss] I dream.
Jane Eyre: Awaken then.
[they embrace]