The film adopts the production methods used in the first three films, including the use of stuntmen and stunts, while avoiding the use of CGI as much as possible.
Before the film’s subtitle was set as "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", many names were considered, and they were also registered in the MPAA in August 2007, including "City of God", "World Destroyer", and "Earth's Destroyer". "The 4th corner", "Lost Golden City", "Exploration of the Covenant" and so on.
Shia LaBeouf announced the subtitle of the film for the first time before the public when he participated in the 2007 MTV Music Video Awards.
Steven Spielberg specially chose Russian actors to play Russian soldiers, so that their accent sounds more credible.
Steven Spielberg described the film as a "dessert after meal" to make up for the "bitterness" caused to the audience in the "Munich Massacre".
Sean Connery was originally scheduled to star in the film, but after thinking about it, Connery decided that he should retire.
There was a plan to play Indiana Jones’ daughter in "Indiana Jones 4" as the main role, and Natalie Portman will play the role.
Before the filming started, Harrison Ford appointed Virginia Madsen to appear as the female number one in the play.
When filming on the island of Hawaii, the 65-year-old Harrison Ford insisted on completing the stunt shots in the film without a stand-in.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull behind the scenes gags
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull quotes
Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: Don't toy with me, Dr. Jones. What is the point of all this?
Indiana Jones: If it's still magnetic, the metal in this gun powder should point the way.
Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: [Irina has Marion and Indiana hostage] So, Dr. Jones, you will help us?
[a soldier cocks a pistol and points it at Marion's back]
Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: A simple "yes" will do.
Indiana Jones: Oh, Marion, you had to go and get yourself kidnapped.
Marion Ravenwood: Not like you did any better.
Indiana Jones: Same old, same old.