Robert Neville and his daughter Mary are played by Will Smith and, the real father and daughter in real life.
At the beginning, the film had the intention of making the film in the 90s. The lead actor was Arnold Schwarzenegger and the director was Ridley Scott. Later, due to high budgets, both of them withdrew from the crew.
Cameron Monaghanwho have that role in the film Ethan conducted auditions.
During the filming process, Will Smith left for two days in order to go to Rome to attend the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Helms.
Gilmour del Toro was originally the film's first director candidate, but he refused.
The part of the scene that took place on the Brooklyn Bridge involved at least 1,000 extras, as well as various military weapons and fighter jets.
Many scenes in the film were shot on-site in Washington Square, New York, during the fall and winter of 2006-2007. When shooting, the lanterns used for holiday decoration were taken down and replaced by more than 3 months old. Noisy.
Filming on the Brooklyn Bridge in just 6 nights cost the studio 5 million dollars. In addition, the film company has to obtain filming permits from 14 government departments. In the entire battle scene, the producers had to arrange 250 staff members, 1,000 extras, and 160 National Guard dispatchers.
In the absence of a script, the film has already been determined to be shot.
The plants in the film were transported from Florida by truck, and were covered with black gauze to enhance the sadness of the entire city.
"I Am A Legend" is based on the American writer Richard Matheson's novel of the same name. It was previously featured on the big screen twice in 1964 and 1971, titled "TheLastManonEarth" and "TheOmegaMan" respectively.
I Am Legend behind the scenes gags
[first lines]
TV Personality: The world of medicine has seen its share of miracle cures, from the polio vaccine to heart transplants. But all past achievements may pale in comparison to the work of Dr. Alice Krippin. Thank you so much for joining us this morning.
Dr. Alice Krippin: Not at all.
TV Personality: So, Dr. Krippin, give it to me in a nutshell.
Dr. Alice Krippin: Well, the premise is quite simple - um, take something designed by nature and reprogram it to make it work for the body rather than against it.
TV Personality: You're talking about a virus?
Dr. Alice Krippin: Indeed, yes. In this case the measles, um, virus which has been engineered at a genetic level to be helpful rather than harmful. Um, I find the best way to describe it is if you can... if you can imagine your body as a highway, and you picture the virus as a very fast car, um, being driven by a very bad man. Imagine the damage that car can cause. Then if you replace that man with a cop... the picture changes. And that's essentially what we've done.
TV Personality: And how many people have you treated so far?
Dr. Alice Krippin: Well, we've had ten thousand and nine clinical trials in humans so far.
TV Personality: And how many are cancer-free?
Dr. Alice Krippin: Ten thousand and nine.
TV Personality: So you have actually cured cancer.
Dr. Alice Krippin: Yes, yes... yes, we have.
[cuts to post-apocalyptic New York three years later]
Neville: What the hell are you doing out here, Fred? Fred, if you're real, you better tell me right now!