All the wax figures in the film are made according to real people, and modeled according to their real figures, while the wax figure of the dead man played by Jared Padalecki is based on a 3D scan of his body.
When filming the deep pit filled with animal carcasses, the crew used animal skulls and furs that have been quarantined by the health department, as well as animal bodies made of plaster, and then soaked and pickled in a large amount of artificial plasma. The smell of the shooting scene is all the same. The real smell of corruption is no different.
On June 26, 2004, the film’s studio caught fire while testing the special effects equipment. Thick smoke spread, even affecting the traffic on the nearby highway. It is reported that the fire was caused by candles.
The director tailored her role for Paris Hilton. So she participated in the filming of the film without having to participate in the audition.
The murderer in the film is named Vincent, which comes from starring in the film of the same name in 1953.
In order to reduce the height difference between Judd Padalik and Leesh in the camera at the same time, Cuthbert's boots were tied with a two-inch thick wooden block.
House of Wax behind the scenes gags
2022-04-20 08:01
Extended Reading
Carly: No, there's no-one at the gas station!
Paige: We'll meet you back at camp, but more than a few yards away from that pet cemetery.
Wade: [sniffing something foul in the air] Something's dead out there.
Blake: [sniffing also] Nuh uh. Something's dead right here.