- "House of Cards", as a web drama launched by the streaming media site Netflix, is different from the traditional American drama that is broadcast on TV and requires fans to "chase". The scale of 13 episodes throughout the season was put on the Internet.
- "House of Cards" is adapted from the British novel of the same name. It is magnificent and luxuriously produced. It was developed on the basis of a short series of BBC television.
- The show was developed and produced by Ball Willimon, who is proficient in politics and has worked as an assistant to Charles Schumer, Howard Dean, and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. He also wrote the movie "The President The script of "Slaying the Game", directed by George Clooney, is very close to the real lives of politicians.
- The actor Kevin Spacey once said, "The wonderful thing about this show and Mike Dobson's book is that they are based on Shakespeare's works. It is definitely "Richard III" that directly pays tribute."
- Francis prefers open-collar shirts, while most Americans like button-down collars. The open-angle collar originated in the United Kingdom and was highly respected by the old-school British. It became popular because of Edward VIII, who also promoted the tie-tie "Windsor knot". This kind of knot symbolizes the powerful and is the first choice of the powerful class.
- The "Big Peach" that gave Francis a headache for a whole episode. The peach-shaped water tower is a real existence. It is located in Gaffney, Southern California. It has four floors and is 150 feet high. What is worthy of relief is that no traffic accidents similar to those in the drama occurred near the real "Big Peach".
- U.S. President Barack Obama tweeted: "Watch "House of Cards" tomorrow, please don't spoil them." At the same time, Aite posted the "House of Cards" official Twitter, but the other party just reposted it without comment. This made Kate Mara very excited, and quickly retweeted: "This just happened!"
House of Cards behind the scenes gags
2021-10-13 18:32
Extended Reading
Francis Underwood: I love that woman. I love her more than sharks love blood.
Francis Underwood: Such a waste of talent. He chose money over power. In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. I cannot respect someone who doesn't see the difference.