Holy Smoke Positive reviews
PJ Waters: I don't want to disempower you. If you want disempowerment, you go back to mother India. See how they treat women there. Or didn't you notice all those little ultrasounds beeping away? So that people can say, "Oh, my God, it's a girl!" And flush her out of the border.
Ruth Barron: They're more honest.
PJ Waters: Excuse me?
Ruth Barron: They're more honest in their hatred of women!
PJ Waters: I don't hate women. I love ladies.
Ruth Barron: Ha! Ladies. You wouldn't know any. I bet you date little barbie dolls, don't you? "Oh you so brainy! You're so big! Can I suck your dick?" Can I be alone now?
Ruth Barron: Ok tampax tool, I'm gonna give it to you right up your arse. All this "man-hating" shit for a start. "Oh she criticised me, I'll call her a man hater!" I know what you want from me, you just want a youthful pussy transfusion, preferably one you can take home to show the men folk what a beautiful post you got to piss on. Jeans pressed, cowboy boots... is that a uniform for individuals, is it? I want a young man.
PJ Waters: Your physical superiority makes you unkind.