High Fidelity movie plot
Glennie 2022-04-23 07:01:45
Maybe the more you study Rock, the more you like it like crazy. It's a pity I didn't study it, I just enjoy such a good movie simply because I like John Cusack.
Karson 2022-01-26 08:15:26
I prefer movies to books. . . I agreed that what really matters is what you like, not what you are like... Books, records, films - these things matter. Call me shallow but it's the fuckin' truth, and by this measure I was having one of the best dates of my life.
Rob: What, fucking, Ian guy?
Louis: I don't have that record... I'll buy it for forty.
Rob: Sold.
Louis: Now why would you sell it to me and not to him?
Barry: Because you're not a geek, Louis.
Louis: You guys are snobs.
Dick: No, we're not.
Louis: Yeah, seriously, you're totally elitist. You feel like the unappreciated scholars, so you shit onto people who know lesser than you.
Rob, Barry, Dick: No!
Louis: Which is everybody...
Rob, Barry, Dick: Yeah...
Louis: That's so sad.