Gone in 60 Seconds Shooting process
Jerrod 2021-10-21 15:30:18
It feels unreliable~ Not as good as I thought. Besides, Nicolas Cage didn’t do much stealing himself. He didn’t focus on his car theft skills, so he focused on the part of the back and the police drag racing. This kind of large-scale drag racing footage is very cloudy, and there are many movies.
Cheyenne 2021-10-21 15:30:17
"Shiny sea blue, bright orange, bright crimson, please take them away, I will start, I stole them, hurried across Palm Springs, and immediately feel comfortable all over." "Leather clothes, high heels, pink underwear"" You take care of me, and I take care of you" Cage is really cool with Irina, okay, even if Julie has a vase, it’s enough to be eye-catching
Police chopper pilot: Air One. we're over the pursuit.
[Memphis hits the nitrous button]
Police chopper pilot: Suspect has increased speed to 120.
Drycoff: Maintain visual, Air One.
Police chopper pilot: 140 miles an hour.
Drycoff: *Do not* lose him.
Police chopper pilot: This is an A-Star, sir, not an Apache.
Donny: See ya tomorrow night, Eleanor, with your fine ass.