Gigi movie plot
Deontae 2022-03-25 09:01:15
Every girls dreams to be Gigi. Nice songs by the way. Yet weak storyline.
Brandi 2022-03-25 09:01:15
The biggest problem with this film is not actually the film itself. Of course, the script of the film itself is really confusing, but the biggest problem with this film is that it has the best picture Oscar and the title that swept the Oscars. Of course, this film is not the best A poor Oscar for Best Picture, but a film like this is certainly not worthy of that title. The production of this film is actually very good, so I can accept that this film swept the technical award, but the screenplay award this film won is very outrageous, and the script of this film is really rubbish. Although the requirements for the script of the musical can be relatively low, the script of this film can definitely be called fooling people, especially the people who watched it in the last ten minutes are inexplicable. The song and dance part of this film is actually pretty good as a musical, but it was really ruined by the script. Leslie Cullen looks better as she gets older, her appearance is very attractive, and the male protagonist's appearance is also very good.
Honore Lachaille: [after Gaston vents his frustration over Gigi's rejection Honore seeks to distract his nephew] Do you know how long it will take you to forget her? Tomorrow noon at the latest. So now why don't you consult your little book and meet me at Maxim's tonight?
Gaston Lachaille: Splendid idea!
Honore Lachaille: I would suggest a redhead. Try Michele, I saw her last night and she looked heavenly.
Gaston Lachaille: I'll call her at once.
Honore Lachaille: You should, she doesn't have many good years left
[Aunt Alicia leaves her apartment for the first time in decades after hearing Gigi has rejected Gaston. She storms into the Alvarez apartment]
Aunt Alicia: Now, would you repeat that again, please?
Madame Alvarez: She... she doesn't want to.
Aunt Alicia: She doesn't want to.?
Madame Alvarez: She doesn't want to.
Aunt Alicia: Such stupidity is without equal in the entire history of human relations. It must be your fault. It must be! You must have emphasized all the difficulties instead of all the delights. What did you say to the little monster?
Madame Alvarez: Oh no, Alicia! Gigi perhaps is a little slow about certain things but just because she isn't attracted to Gaston Lachaille doesn't make her a monster.
Aunt Alicia: Doesn't make her a princess!