Frozen evaluation action
Jovanny 2021-10-20 18:59:25
This Jennifer Lee made two animations, "Invincible Destruction King" and this one. "Frozen" can be regarded as a breakthrough in the traditional Disney princess movies. After all, the last true love is... Music has become the main plus element, and several ice and snow scenes are also very enjoyable. It belongs to a normal animation, and it has everything that should be, love, adventure, and supporting roles for telling jokes.
Alexandrine 2022-03-22 09:01:07
After all, the selling point is the soundtrack and the pictures, and the plot is not bad.
Elsa: [to a guard] The party is over. Close the gates.
Guard: Right away, Your Majesty.
Anna: What? Elsa, no! No, wait!
[She tries to grab Elsa's hand, but instead yanks off her glove]
Elsa: [gasps, desperately] Give me my glove!
Anna: [also desperate] Elsa, please! Please! I can't live like this anymore!
Elsa: [pauses] Then leave.
[Anna looks at her with a hurt expression; Elsa then turns to leave]
Anna: [calling after her] What did I ever do to you?
Elsa: [impatiently] Enough, Anna.
Anna: No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?
Elsa: I said enough!
[In her fury, she conjures up an icicle wall around herself. Everyone - including Anna - stares at her in fright. Elsa shrinks back at what she's done]
Duke: Sorcery.
[hides behind one of his bodyguards]
Duke: I knew there was something dubious going on here.
Anna: [shocked] Elsa.
[Devastated, Elsa flees the ballroom]
Kristoff: Hey guys!
Anna: They're rocks.
Kristoff: [off in the distance] You are a sight for sore eyes.
Olaf: [whispering] He's crazy!
Kristoff: Hey, whoa, I don't even recognize you. You've lost so much weight.
Olaf: [whispering to Anna] I'll distract them while you run.
[loud, slow voice]
Olaf: Hi, Sven's family! It's nice to meet you!
Olaf: Because I love you, Anna, I insist you run.
[loud, slow voice]
Olaf: I understand you're love experts. Ooh!
Olaf: Why aren't you running?