When the crew arrived in Prague, the local temperature reached 36.6 degrees, and after 10 days the crew needed to wear windbreakers, because the night temperature in Prague was already close to 0 degrees .
Johnny Depp and Heather Graham deliberately changed their accent from American English to British English in the film .
Nigel Hawthorne was originally the original candidate to play Sir William, but he was later replaced by Ian Holm because of cancer .
Heather Graham used real hair to shoot at first, but when the director found it was inappropriate, she switched to shooting with a wig.
In order to truly restore the crime scene and the wounds on the victims, the filmmakers used photos and illustrations from the time when the crime occurred in the film .
The role of the male protagonist Albert Lin has aroused widespread concern among male stars. Rumors to take over the movie include Ralph Fiennes, Daniel Day-Lewis, Jude Law, Brad Pitt, etc., but ultimately fell on Johnny Depp.
From Hell behind the scenes gags
Ada: Look, I bring everything for supper!
Mary Kelly: [snatches an envelope full of money] You little thief! I need this money!
Ada: I only take some money to buy food. For me and for you. Was that bad, Marie?
Mary Kelly: It's fine, dear. But until I go away, it's not safe for you to go out by yourself.
Ada: [caresses Mary's face] I stay with Marie, beautiful Marie.
Mary Kelly: It's alright, darling. You don't have to pay for your food.
Ada: Pardon?
Victoria Abberline: [as they make love] I have wonderful news.
Abberline: Tell me.
Victoria Abberline: Surely you, of all people, can guess.
Abberline: I don't want to guess with you.
Victoria Abberline: Dr.Marbury says...
Abberline: Dr.Marbury says?
Victoria Abberline: Dr.Marbury says I'm going to have your child.
[Abberline smiles and kisses Victoria]