The film follows the personal experiences of a pair of pioneering but underestimated researchers-Dr. T. Colin Campbell (Ph.D.) and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (MD) .
As a nutrition scientist at Cornell University, Dr. Campbell focused on producing "high-quality" animal protein in the late 1960s and bringing it to the poor and malnourished areas of the Third World. When he was in the Philippines, he made a life-changing discovery: wealthier children in the country are more likely to get liver cancer if they consume relatively large amounts of animal-based foods. Dr. Estestine is a top surgeon and the director of the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Task Force. He found that many of the diseases he treats daily are almost unknown in areas where animal food is rarely consumed in the world. of. Campbell and Essatin did not know each other at the time. These findings inspired them to do several breakthrough studies, one of which was done in China, and it is still the most comprehensive health survey in history. Their survey Lead them to come to a shocking conclusion: by adopting a natural plant-based diet, degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2 , and even several cancers are almost always preventable and in many cases can be Reversed. Although their findings have far-reaching effects, their works are still relatively unfamiliar in the eyes of the public.
Those filmmakers went through a separate but similar journey with Dr. Campbell and Dr. Essatin to their childhood farm, where they all produced "nature’s most perfect food"; to China and Cliff Lan, where they have explored ideas that challenge traditional ideas and shake their own core ideas.
The idea of food as medicine has been put to the test. From the beginning to the end, the camera follows the "real patients" with chronic diseases ranging from heart disease to diabetes. Just as the challenges and achievements of their experiences are shown, the doctors teach these. How do patients adopt a natural plant-based diet as the main method to treat their diseases.
"ForksOverKnives" uses the most advanced three-dimensional graphics and rare archive fragments. This film features top health experts, detects "Why don't we know" problems, and the way in which food and disease problems are handled will make people Continue to talk for many years.