Enemy at the Gates evaluation action
Nicolas 2022-03-19 09:01:03
A game of cat and mouse.
Jordi 2022-03-22 09:01:24
Originally, I wanted to revisit this movie today, but after adjusting it for a long time, I found that there were no Chinese subtitles on the disc, and then I was embarrassed... BOSS, are you testing my memory? Sorry, I can’t even remember the line I just watched for 10 minutes! Especially when the actors do not speak Chinese.
Nikita Khrushchev: [addressing a roomful of Soviet political officers] My name... is Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. I've come to take things in hand here. This city... is not Kursk, nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk. This city... is Stalingrad. *Stalingrad*! This city bears the name of the Boss. It's more than a city, it's a symbol. If the Germans... capture this city... the entire country will collapse. Now... I want our boys to raise their heads. I want them to act like they have *balls*! I want them to stop shitting their pants! That's your job. As political officers... I'm counting on you.
[he looks at one man]
Nikita Khrushchev: You. What's your suggestion?
Sweating Officer: [visibly nervous] Sh-shoot all the other generals who have retreated, and their chiefs of staff, too.
Stammering Officer: [Khrushchev moves down the line to another man] M-m-m-make some examples. D-d-d-d-d-d-deport the families of the d-d-d-deserters -
Nikita Khrushchev: [turning away] Yes, that's all been done.
Danilov: [from the back of the room] Give them hope!
[Khrushchev turns around and strides down the line to Danilov]
Danilov: Here, the men's only choice is between German bullets and ours. But there's another way. The way of courage. The way of love of the Motherland. We must publish the army newspaper again. We must tell magnificent stories, stories that extol sacrifice, bravery. We must make them believe in the victory. We must give them hope, pride, a desire to fight. Yes... we need to make examples. But examples to *follow*. What we need...
[he glances quickly at Khrushchev]
Danilov: ... are heroes.
Nikita Khrushchev: [Khrushchev looks around, then leans in closer to Danilov] Do you know any heroes around here?
Danilov: Yes, comrade. I know one.
Vassili Zaitsev: He shot him on the run. It was an impossible shot.
Commisar Danilov: Vassili...
Vassili Zaitsev: You've promised people a victory I can't deliver. I don't stand a chance against this man.