The story begins in an unknown palace in Japan. Princess Xia, regardless of everyone’s obstacles, insists on participating in the annual "DOA: Dead or Alive" contest. As the proud girl of heaven, her goal is certainly not the coveted thousand. Wan bonus, but to find out the whereabouts of brother Haifeng. After taking part in DOA: Dead or Alive, Haifeng disappeared mysteriously and his whereabouts are unknown. Although everyone around Xia guessed that Hayate might have died in the fight, Xia always felt a wave of anxiety in her heart without finding out the truth. But Xia, who was stubborn, and Xia's childhood playmate and bodyguard Falcon also followed her. This adventure brought the two hearts that were originally admiring to each other closer.
As for the American girl Tina's purpose is much simpler. Her father is a former wrestler and has been using old-fashioned wrestling. Tina participated in this game in order to prove that wrestling also relied on real skills. But she didn't expect that her opponent in DOA: Dead or Alive would be her father. British jewellery thief Christie came purely for money, but she didn’t want to work so hard to win the prize money one after the other. She had discussed with her partner Max a long time ago, and found an opportunity to steal the money, and then get the bottom of her feet. Feel the oil; Helena, who played on the pulley, has been living on the mysterious island where the championship is held, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. She is the true heir to everything on this island, including the prize money. However, she does not know her own The father was killed by the island owner Donovan, and he kindly respected him as an uncle. In addition to these four girls, those who came to compete on the island included Jack, a black boxer with a green mohawk head and goatee, and various martial artists from all over the world.
"DOA: Dead or Alive" has officially begun, but the real enemy the four girls have to face is actually Donovan, who controls everything behind the scenes.