The original title of the film was Simon Says, and Carver in the film was originally a female character.
Director John McTiernan considered deleting the opening scene of the department store explosion, or postponing the film’s release time, because on April 19, 1995, the Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed and the culprit was one. A white minivan carrying a 3000-pound ammonium nitrate liquid bomb killed 168 people and injured more than 850 people. McTiernan was afraid that the release date and the time of the tragedy would be too close, which would cause panic among the audience.
After finishing the script, the screenwriter Jonathan Hensleigh was arrested by the FBI because he knew too much confidential information about the Federal Gold Reserve System in Manhattan. Hansleigh later stated that all of this information came from "New York An article in The Times.
The chase scene in the tunnel was shot in Tunnel No. 3 in New York City, when the unfinished tunnel would lead to the Catskill Mountains.
The character named Fred Schiller in the film is alluding to the 18th-century German poet Friedrich Schiller (Friedrich Schiller), who wrote the lyrics for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the first "Die Hard The Ninth Symphony appeared in Wei.
The billboard hung on Bruce Willis wrote "I hate everyone" during filming, not a racist version of the film. "I hate niggers" was added in post-production using CGI technology. Yes, when the film is shown on TV, it still appears on the billboard as "I hate everyone".
The first draft of the script is adapted from the novel "Troubleshooter", in which terrorists control a cruise ship on the Caribbean Sea.
Director John McTiernan admitted to making mistakes in the weight of gold. He and Samuel Jackson were allowed to experience the weight of real gold bars.
The park above the Pianzhonghua Street Station was originally an open space, which was assembled into a park by the drama for the needs of filming. After the filming was over, the open space was restored to its original appearance.
Jeremy Irons and Sam Phillips (Sam Phillips) sex scene was the last to be added, because director McTiernan learned that the film will be rated as R, it is best to add another sex scene.
Lawrence Fishburne initially refused to play Carver, and when he was about to reconsider, Samuel Jackson had already got the role.
Before starring in the film, Sam Phillips was a singer, and the reason she was invited to audition was because the producer liked her CD cover.
Like Die Hard in 1988, there were serious grammatical errors in the German language in the film, but when it was released in Germany, all errors were corrected, and some terrorists still spoke with an East German accent.
In a region DVD released in 2003, another ending of the film appeared. Simon and his men ran away with gold. A few months later, McLean found Simon in Eastern Europe based on the numbers on the bottom of the aspirin bottle. It turned out that the gold was turned into a miniature model of the Empire State Building and shipped abroad. McLean was dismissed by the police for allegedly participating in the robbery. Finally, McLean and Simon played a guessing game, killed Simon with a Chinese rocket, then stood up and turned away and said "Yipee kayay motherfucker", which is a classic dialogue in the "Die Hard" series of films .
Sean Connery was once the first choice to play Simon, but he refused to play the role because he did not want to play the demon.