Cujo behind the scenes gags
2022-10-01 18:56
·In order to make the St. Bernard dog attack the car, the dog trainer puts the dog's favorite toy in the car, and the dog has to "attack" the car in order to get the toy.
·The film used 5 St. Bernard dogs, a mechanical dog head, and a set of dog clothes for people to wear.
·"Guzhuo" is an old American Indian vocabulary, which means "unstoppable power".
· John Swithen provided personal and adequate suggestions for the first draft of the film script, but the author Guild's idea was adopted in the end.
·The foamy liquid around Gu Zhuo's mouth is made from a mixture of egg white and sugar. At the shooting scene, because the dogs kept licking these delicacies, it brought a lot of trouble to the shooting.
Extended Reading
Donna Trenton: It's not a monster, it's just a doggy...
Donna Trenton: [singing to Tad] Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one rolled over and the other one said, I see your hiney, it's nice and shiny, if you don't hide it, I think I'll bite it!
[makes loud chomping noise]