Compliance evaluation action
Harold: That man's asking me to do things that ain't right. He's asking me to take her apron off and look at her... It ain't right. And it ain't policemanly.
Officer Daniels: So I want you to do me a favor, and look around at where you are. That's where you are. Where we are, is at your house, searching it for your brother's drugs.
Becky: My brother doesn't do drugs.
Officer Daniels: Enough. *Enough*. Shut *up*. We have you with witnesses stealing from the restaurant. You aren't cooperating. You aren't helping us conduct our investigation. It's not good. All right, looks like we're gonna have to take you in. They'll look at your criminal record, determine how many hours you're gonna spend there in the jail...
Becky: I don't have a criminal record.
Officer Daniels: I'm just saying, they'll look at your criminal record, or lack of, look at your papers, decide how many hours you'll spend in jail, okay? I mean they are gonna haul you in, they'll look at how you cooperated today - I mean, all this is being recorded. You understand?
Becky: Yeah. I understand. But sir... *why*?
Officer Daniels: Why? Why are you going to jail? Because you're the one that's causing all the problems! Now if you want this over with sooner rather than later, you'll allow the person that I authorized to inspect you. To search you. And then, *maybe* then, you'll have a chance of getting out of this. You understand what I'm saying? You can go to jail or you can let this guy inspect you. You can go to jail or you can let this guy inspect you. That's it. Two choices. You're gonna do this? You're gonna take off the apron?
Becky: Yeah.