City of Women Publishing Company
2022-07-05 22:08
Artificial Eye [ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ] (1981) (UK) (theatrical) (subtitled)
Kinowelt Home Entertainment [ The Federal Republic of Germany, Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ] (2005) (Germany) (DVD)
New Yorker Films [ The United States of America ] (1981) (USA) (theatrical) (subtitled)
Pole Vídeo Comunicações Ltda. [ The Federative Republic of Brazil ] (19??) (Brazil) (VHS)
Gaumont Films (1981) (The French Republic) (theatrical)
Atlantic Film (2007) ( Sweden ) (DVD)
Kinokuniya Co. Ltd. [ Japan ] (2005) (Japan) (DVD)
Umbrella Entertainment [ Commonwealth of Australia ] (2007) (Australia) (DVD)
Extended Reading
Old Lady: "A house without a woman", they say in my parts, "is like the Sea without a Siren". Don't you agree with me?