Cinderella Positive reviews
Captain: [getting the best of Kit while fencing] Wake up, Your Royal Highness. You're in a daze.
Prince Charming: Oh, sorry.
Captain: You've been off since the hunt.
Prince Charming: It's that wonderful girl. I can't stop thinking about her.
Captain: Well, there are plenty of girls.
Prince Charming: But her spirit, her goodness...
Captain: You don't suppose she has a sister, do you?
Prince Charming: I don't know. I don't know anything about her.
Captain: Perhaps your mystery girl may come to the ball. That is why you threw the doors open, is it not?
Prince Charming: Captain. It was for the benefit of the people.
Captain: Of course. How shall of me.
Prince Charming: And if she comes, then what?
Captain: Then you will tell her you're a prince. And a prince may take whichever bride he wishes.
Prince Charming: Ha!
Captain: Ha?
Prince Charming: Yes, "ha". You know my father and the Grand Duke will only have me marry a princess.
Captain: Well, if this girl from the forest is as charming as you say, they may change their minds.
Master Phineus: Master Phineus, master of the paintbrush, patiently awaits.
King: Make him look marriageable, Master Phineus. We must attract a suitable bride, even if he won't listen to a word I say.
Master Phineus: I shall endeavor to please, Your Majesty. But I can't work miracles.