Caddyshack movie plot
2022-09-29 17:58
A rich man wants to acquire a golf course for greater commercial development. But the club chairman didn't like this plan and tried every means to block it. The golf course caddie Dannywanted to make more money to supplement his family and go to college, but his request for a salary increase was rejected by the club. As a result, he determined to fight back against the unreasonable system of the club, battling law with club chairman and justice Smith Smith and playboy Tai Webb, and at the same time pursued the judge's niece. Gardener Carlwants to get rid of a few voles, exhausts his tricks, and even tries to kill the rats with explosives. Strange people fought in the golf club , making the whole course chaotic.
Extended Reading
Carl Spackler: [singing, while trying to kill the gopher] Great big globs of greasy, grimy, gopher guts!
Danny Noonan: Guess I'm a little overdressed.
Lacey Underall: Depends on what's underneath.
Danny Noonan: Ooh.
Lacey Underall: Come on.