Three different horror stories are presented by a creepy coroner (John Carpenter) whose current job is dealing with corpses in "Body Bags."
"Gas station"
Annie is a young college student whose first job was the night shift at an all-night filling station. The radio in the car told her that a serial killer had appeared. After the gas station employee (David Warner) left after changing shifts, Annie was on duty alone and nervously. There were customers buying cigarettes, refueling, and borrowing toilets in the middle. Annie was always in the duty room and did not dare to leave. In the end, the suspect was lurking at the gas station, and she tried to call the police, only to find that the phone line failed. Soon after, she found two bodies, in a locker and car. The gas station employee is a serial killer, chasing her to the surrounding abandoned garages. Just as he was about to kill her, a guest who had forgotten his credit card showed up to fight the killer. In the end, they crushed the killer to death in the garage and mounted it under the car.
Richard ( Walter Stacy Keach Jr. ), a middle-aged businessman with thinning hair, is very worried about losing his hair. His hair hurts its self-esteem and affects the passion between him and his girlfriend Meghan (Easton). When Richard sees a TV commercial for a 'miracle' hair transplant, he pays a visit to the office and Dr (David Warner) agrees to give Richard a scalp treatment. Richard woke up the next day and was overjoyed when he took off the bandages and had wild long hair. But over the next few days, Richard became more and more ill and tired, and soon he found hair growing on parts of his body (his hands, palms). After trying to cut some of his hair, he found his hairs were 'bleeding' and when examined under a magnifying glass, they were found to be alive. Richard goes to the doctor's office for an explanation, and the doctor explains that he and his entire staff are aliens from another planet seeking narcissistic humans. Planting hair to take over their bodies is part of their plan to multiply their population. Richard is just another victim of theirs.
Brent Matthews (Mark Hamill), a Major League Baseball player, lost his left eye in a serious car accident one rainy night and his career was over. A doctor told him he could get an eye transplant. After surgery, Brent can have new eyes. But it doesn't take long for Brent to start seeing things others don't, and his life with his wife Katie (Twiggy) begins to chaotic. Brent starts having nightmares about femicide and sex. Brent finds a doctor and tells him that New Eyes is a recently executed serial killer with a necrophilia who killed several young women and then had sex with the corpses. Brent becomes cranky and the killer's spirit is slowly taking over his body through his eyes, making him want to kill women. One day, Brent appeared in the spirit of a killer and tried to kill Cathy. Cathy fights back until Brent's spirit reappears but the killer spirit reappears, Brent blinds his eyes with a knife, severing the killer linked to him, but he also dies of bleeding.
The coroner put together three of his stories to tell the audience that when he heard noises outside the mortuary revealing himself to be a living corpse, two morgue workers began to work there.