Big Fish & Begonia background creation
Lingpo: What brings you to the Island of Souls?
Chun: There's a soul I'm looking for: the soul of a human boy
Lingpo: What time was it he died?
Chun: It was two days before the wheat harvest.
Lingpo: You need to be sure of the date. Otherwise you're searching for a needle in a haystack. So many die every day.
Chun: I'm sure. It was my birthday.
Lingpo: I know what you're trying to do, girl, and it goes against the laws of nature!
Chun: I don't care. I've got to save him!
Lingpo: The punishment is harsh for those who defy nature, no matter who you are, so you *should* care.
Chun: But I owe him, for saving my life.
Lingpo: How very touching. I've been stuck here for 800 years, and I'm still not done paying penance for my sin!
Chun: But you didn't...!
Lingpo: Don't interrupt! Let me tell you what real tragedy is. Meeting someone you care about so much you forget yourself and make a mistake. So then you go back and try to fix it and make things right again, and then you learn that fixing it's impossible.
Lingpo: We can never undo the wrongs we've done. This I know.
Chun: You're saying you won't help me?
Lingpo: I'm saying I pity you. Besides, resurrecting someone from the dead doesn't come cheap.
Chun: What would it cost?
Lingpo: No less than a lovely girl's loveliest features: your eyes.
Chun: [winces]
Lingpo: [laughing] Now she's scared.
Lingpo: Don't want to give up your pretty eyes, eh? All right, I'll take half your life instead.
Chun: If that'll save him, take it.
Big fish and begonia are not so bad
Is there any salvation for the story of Big Fish and Begonia?
I just want to know how to pass the audit of the General Administration of Light
This is just the good intentions of two stunned green bear children to do bad things, why are you so mean?
This is a slot with many points in it, and the content is very complicated. do not like to stray