Battlestar Galactica background creation
Apollo: Sir, "Apollo"'s just my call sign. My name's Lee Adama.
Laura Roslin: I know who you are, but "Captain Apollo" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
[a hallucinatory Number Six has shown Baltar an odd device on the DRADIS display console in the Galactica's CIC]
Baltar: You're not helping.
Number Six: I'm sorry. How can I help?
Baltar: Well, for a start you can tell me what that is.
Number Six: Honestly, I don't know.
Baltar: Well, it hasn't exploded.
Number Six: Yet.
[Baltar gives her a shocked look]
Number Six: I'm just guessing.
Baltar: I have to warn them.
Number Six: How do you propose to do that? "Oh look, a Cylon device." "Really? Well, how do you know what a Cylon device looks like, Doctor?" "Oh, I forgot to mention I'm familiar with their technology because I've been having sex with a Cylon for the last two years now."