Arsenic and Old Lace evaluation action
Myrtle 2022-03-26 09:01:07
Grant is going out of his way. You're not being reserved this time. See also the short man Soft Lazi in the Eagle of Malta, who is too mysterious.
Jacey 2022-03-25 09:01:10
This is hardly a movie, it is actually a stage play, and in terms of drama, it really is not a cloud except Shakespeare.
Aunt Martha: For a gallon of elderberry wine, I take one teaspoon full of arsenic, then add half a teaspoon full of strychnine, and then just a pinch of cyanide.
Mortimer Brewster: Hmm. Should have quite a kick.
Jonathan Brewster: Perhaps we'd better introduce ourselves. May I present Dr. Einstein.
Elaine Harper: Dr. Einstein?
Jonathan Brewster: A surgeon of great distinction... and something of a magician.
Elaine Harper: Now, I suppose you're going to tell me that you're Boris Kar...
Jonathan Brewster: I am Jonathan Brewster!