Anthropology 101 movie plot
Abed Nadir: Speaking of bad development strategy, I owe you all an apology. I was trying so hard to make our first week a great one, I didn't realize that there was something great in front of us the whole time.. An old woman drinking her own pee.
Señor Chang: Guys? I've got a confession to make, I took Anthropology because I wanna be a part of your study group.
[overlapping responses]
Señor Chang: Now I gotta do the honest thing and just ask. Is there any room in this pocket for a little spare Chang?
Jeff Winger: Uh... look, we've been through a lot today. Umm... give us a little time to think it over.
Señor Chang: Totally, man. Just think about it. Take your time and let me know.
Shirley Bennett: Nice to see you, Chang.
Pierce Hawthorne: Bye.
Abed Nadir: See ya.
Annie Edison: Hey.
Señor Chang: Bye.
Annie Edison: Aww. Poor guy.
Jeff Winger: We'll let him in eventually.
Pierce Hawthorne: Says who?
Jeff Winger: We have the strength to survive anything. What's the worst that can happen?
Shirley Bennett: Yeah, that's true.
Troy Barnes: Yeah.
Abed Nadir: Good point.
Señor Chang: [cut to dual personality Chang]
[mean voice]
Señor Chang: I told you they hate you.
[normal voice]
Señor Chang: No, they said they just needed more time.
[mean voice]
Señor Chang: Time? They destroyed your life. How much time before we take revenge?
[pleading normal voice]
Señor Chang: But, they're my friends.
[mean voice]
Señor Chang: I'm your only friend.
[normal voice]
Señor Chang: No.
[mean voice cackles]
Señor Chang: hahaha!
[frantic normal voice]
Señor Chang: No.
[mean voice cackles]
Señor Chang: hahahaha!
[wailing normal voice]
Señor Chang: No!
If jeff, you will definitely have an affair with annie~ I'm quite britta and abed! ! (This is not a comment but a discussion thread)
Abed and Asperger's Syndrome and Dan Harmon
Five-star episodes
Am I the only one who thinks this drama has a lot of BITCH? ! !
Dropping the book bag and leaping to the top, the infinite loop nesting of "drama in drama", and how to pull up the chrysanthemum banner