In New York City, USA, Dr. Jack Byron is a scientist. Due to poor management, the CEO of Wexell-Hall (Wexell-Hall; Wexell) decided to execute the buying and selling rights of Byron & Mitchell Research Limited. , In order to save the company, Jack showed the latest research results to Weihe Ventures. A rare plant, the immortal flower, the blood orchid, grows on Kalimantan Island. The plant was first discovered in 1892 by Houghton, who was the last person to see it before we retrieved the sample from Kalimantan Island. Its dormancy period is 7 years, and its flowering period is only half a year. There is a chemical in the immortal flower that prolongs the lifespan of cells. He also proposed the Hayflick limit, where Hayflick proposed that a cell replicates 56 times before dying, and he believed that humans died at this limit. The CEO directly approved the venture
. In this way, they came to Palan Province on Kalimantan Island, but because of the rainy season, many leasing companies stopped sailing, and they were not willing to take the risk to go upstream. Only one local captain was willing, his name was Jin Song, as long as the money was enough. More will do. They came to the red house bar and met Jin Song. Kim Song, whose real name was Bill Johnson, was the captain of the Bloody Mary, and he told them that $25,000 could only be a charter, and if you wanted me to go all the way with you, it would be $50,000 Dollar. Although Ge Er objected, but there was no other candidate besides him, Jack had to agree to the price
. The blood orchid was found in the Selatan Basin, which is also the destination of the technical team for this rainforest expedition. As a result, because of the waterfall, the Bloodthirsty Mary sank to the bottom of the lake. All the instruments and equipment of the Rainforest Expedition Technology Team were destroyed, and only a satellite phone could be used. Bill Johnson suggested that we go through the jungle to get to Naga Rock in one day, and his friend Livingston sailed on the Toku River, and they could take his boat to continue the adventure
As a result, when crossing the big river, Dr. Ben Douglas, the team doctor of the Rainforest Expedition Technology Team, was swallowed by a giant python. They were terrified. At this time, a stone spider was found in Gordon Mitchell's shoes. Deputy Tran told everyone that this is a Stone spider, and its name is labalababatu. If it bites it, it will be paralyzed like a stone for two days and cannot move. Jack was very happy that he finally found a new anesthetic for Weihe Ventures. He immediately took out the specimen jar and captured the stone spider. At this time, Livingston's ship exploded, and everyone rushed to the scene of the accident to check, searching for the wreckage of the ship and looking for some useful items. At this time, Achuan discovered the belongings of the aborigines, the Lopas. The Lopas are the aborigines here, the descendants of the headhunters. They decided to go to the village of the Lopa to borrow the village of the Lopa. When Livingston's body was found, Bill told them that it was python mating season, and male snakes all had territory. If they smelled the female snake in heat, they would come from all directions, and the female snake would find a damp mud pit. The males will find the females together to form a giant ball of mating snakes
. They came to the Ropa village, but the Ropa all left in small boats. They saw two rivers, the Toku River on the left and the Man River on the right. The blood orchid grows in the Satan Basin, near the next bend in the Mann River. Because they didn't have a boat, they decided to build one by themselves. They demolished the Ropa house and made a bamboo raft. At this time, Jack found that the immortal flower was carved on the totem of the Ropa. He was very pleasantly surprised. Called, saying that the anaconda would keep growing, the immortal flower entered the food chain, and their growth rate exceeded the Hayflick limit, they decided to pick the blood orchid to prove it, and it was opposed by everyone. Shan told everyone that we all knew we had to take risks, until you made your own decision and you gave Bill an extra $50,000 to keep walking the Man River, even though you knew it wasn't safe to do so. Jack said it was all for the sake of exploration, Shan said it was not for the sake of adventure, but for your own future. You have already betrayed each other, and Jack is powerless to refute
. Mitchell was delighted to find Livingston's phone in Jack's backpack. In the end, because Mitchell didn't want to go to the jungle again, he wanted to make a phone call to leave the place. Jack persuaded him to fail many times. He was very angry and put the stone spider on the back of Mitchell's hand. Chill was instantly petrified, unable to move, and was finally swallowed by the giant python. Jack took the opportunity to take all the backpacks and took the bamboo raft to the Satan Basin to find the blood orchid
. Bill, Ge Er, Shan, Kerr, and Achuan accidentally fell into the underground cave, but Kerr fell behind. Achuan came back to find him, accidentally fell into the river, and was swallowed by the giant python. Kerr was chased by a giant python, and Shan took the opportunity to pull out a steel knife and hacked to death the giant python that was chasing Kerr
The crowd met Jack in the Satan Basin. Bill tried to rush over to take the pistol, but Jack found it and shot Bill. Bill was injured. Jack sent his assistant Shan to pick flowers. Shan carried a backpack and worked hard to pick flowers. Accidentally fell into the valley, Jack took the risk to get the backpack, but was bitten by the stone spider, the backpack fell to the bottom of the valley, Jack fell accidentally, and was swallowed by two giant pythons. Shan also accidentally fell into the snake cave, but she climbed the valley with difficulty. The python found Shan, and after that, Bill took Jack's pistol and found that the bullets inside were empty. At this moment, Kerr found the flare gun and shot at the python. The python fell to the bottom of the valley. It triggered mudslides and landslides that destroyed the blood orchid
. In the end, Bill, Geer, Shan, and Kerr successfully left the Satan Basin on a bamboo raft.